Thursday, August 2, 2012

How packaging do in our life

The goal of packaging is to make a first, quick and lasting impression. More than most other areas of design, we are surrounded by this on a regular basis, but pay the least attention to how items are wrapped and presented.  Whether it is wine, tissues, home goods or food, we rarely take a second look and appreciate the time that has gone into its initial presentation.  From the logo and layout of colors and images to the placement of the nutritional information, a designer has the ability to sell the product and create a loyal customer before they even get the chance to try it out at home
One of the best ways to have someone notice a product on the store shelves is the creativity involved in how it is packaged.  Like all other areas of design, the under appreciated area of product packaging uses many methods including various shapes, vivid colors, strong typography, illustrations and unique textures to help draw initial attention.  Today lets take a look at 40 Creative and Beautiful package designs for your design inspiration.
Be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts.

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