Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Eating the planet | Environment Victoria

Eating the planet | Environment Victoria

Ways to Reduce Packaging Costs

The total packaging cost of this amount of product is immense.
The cost of packaging is a major burden for many companies, regardless of the company's size. Whether the packaging is as simple as wrapping a widget in bubble wrap and shoving it in a cardboard box or something as ornate as a custom designed, form-fitting, colorful plastic container for electronic equipment, the cost of labeling, ink, inner securing materials, and both box and design all add up to a large amount when multiplied by the units sold.


    Study the packaging requirements of the product and compare them to the packaging materials being used currently. Evaluate whether the grade of the boxes or plastic used is of a heavier duty than the product needs--switching from an unnecessary triple wall, highly rated box to a much cheaper single wall non-test grade of cardboard can save a company thousands of dollars in the long run. Eliminate unnecessary layers or labels from the package.

Make sure the boxes are sized correctly. An all-around void or space of about 2 inches between the product and the outer box is all that is needed for many items. Switch to a smaller box if there is more than 2 inches of "dead space" in the current packaging.
Choose inner securing materials, such as bubble wrap or foam, as close to the final needed size as possible to reduce the waste and labor costs associated with cutting the material to size. Larger items require larger squares of bubble wrap than small computer components.

Shop around. Contact several different suppliers and request quotes for every aspect of the packaging, including several labeling or ink suppliers. Ask for samples or a tour of the facility. Compare the quotes and lead times from the different suppliers and choose a cheaper, yet reliable vendor.

Buy in bulk if demand is great enough. Ask suppliers if they provide a bulk discount, or switch to one that does.
Reduce labor costs. Automate parts of the process or hire cheaper workers if specialized requirements are not needed for the packaging process. Improve the layout of the packaging area to avoid wasted motion. Investigate whether outsourcing to a packaging specialist would be cheaper than internal packaging.

The future packaging design need to be green

          Studies show that plastic packaging in China, the current annual production of over 3 million tons of processing 30% of plastic packaging,  it produces about 16 million tons of waste, including packaging, plastic products, waste and one million tons per year, various plastic packaging for food and candy and all kinds of plastic bags. According to experts, this white trash on the surface for a long time and does not go away.
To protect the global economy, the resources and the environment in order to create good living conditions and terms of space, the basic strategy for sustainable economic development must be implemented around the world. The green stable packaging is really the future of packaging design. Green field not only revolutionized the design of packaging themselves from, this is our product of human survival.Green packaging design brings more challenges, more features.
Eco-friendly packaging as a comforting message of the field can be described, must be filled in life and the future direction of development of civilization has become. In addition to using the green flag, green development, eco- performance packaging material, are the most important initiatives. With the development of green packaging materials is an important tool for ensuring sustainable development factors. In addition, the packaging design accuracy and usefulness of materials, combined with healthy ideas, as well as play a central role in the development of green packaging.
In developing the package, in addition to the choice of materials performance is easily decomposed by naturally keep the packing material and the other way. If the package is too much emphasis on its structure, the layers of wrapping paper, packaging boxes, designed to improve the packaging of high quality, although the technique decorations, beautiful, high quality design, but because of the waste, and not worthy of social action. If the package design, intelligent, lively, well-prepared and increase its value to the collection, creating an opportunity to re-use, offering a design trend can be promoted.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Packaging & Selling

Packaging design is part of the marketing strategy to attract buyers' attention.
When you are out about shopping for a particular product, what are the first things that will attract you to pick up a particular item, perhaps one would say the quality or a current running promotion. However, most commonly the thing that makes us pick up an item be it out of curiosity or trust is the packaging of a product. The packaging design of a product also leads consumer to make unnecessary purchase. This is also one of the main reasons why companies who could afford it will pay a large amount of money for designers to come up with creative packaging ideas or creative packaging designs to attract their consumers. This is because it has been scientifically proven that many consumers would rather pay a little bit extra for a better and more attractive packaging design as compare to a product that is poorly packaged.
However, while there are high demands for creative packaging ideas; it is not necessarily easy to come up with such creative and unique ideas in a competitive market. Besides being creative, the packaging ideas will also need to be practical and be convenient to the consumers as well. Which brings us to some of the creative packaging examples we have collected just for this particular topic. Our collection for this week consists of packaging design and ideas for a variety of products, from food, drinks, clothing, cosmetic products and even condoms!
Nonetheless, designers will always have to keep in mind that despite their creative packaging ideas or designs, their ideas will always need to be practical and store and protect the product from damage. Therefore, a unique and creative packaging design is a blend or creativity, art and science but also technology. Besides, packaging the product in weird shapes or design, the typography and the color adorning the products could also help attract attention and set a brand image for the product. In fact, with the right kind of packaging design, the product will also help establish a strong brand image for the company.
For that reason, we hope our readers will be able to gain some inspirational ideas from some of the impressive and creative packaging ideas and designs that we have featured here!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Packaging and environmental protection

Packaging is something we can't inseparable in our daily life, and packaging makes our life more convenient.

But as more and more use of packaging, that caused great environmental pollution and waste of resources, so it is necessary to reduce packaging. How to reduce packaging? First, I think we should try to avoid excessive packaging, buy less excessive packaging of the products. Secondly, the packaging material should be green or can be reused, it will save more resources and environment suffer less damage. Finally, packaging must be reasonable, should make good packaging design template, it will save a lot of resource .

For environmental protection, we can start from the packaging.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ways Essential your Packaging Design

1. Make the Package Wrapping Design Look Alive!
This may sound a little obvious, you may say. But TRY and make the design look as alive as you possibly can. The design needs to pop out of the print – imagine the finished product sitting on a shopping mall aisle – does it cray out to be looked at and picked up? Use vibrant colors that blend well with each other in harmony. Use images to give it a familiar feel, and to tell the audience something about what the box or bottle contains – you may have to work with a photographer for this, unless the client has already crossed that bridge and given you some images to use. Remember to use images with a higher vertical aspect ratio, if your product package design has a vertical orientation. On the other hand, use landscape format images if the design has more of a horizontal aspect ratio.
2. Presentation is Crucial!
Package design is a visually oriented project, so make it as visually appealing as you can. Where visual art is concerned, a good presentation is literally half the battle won. Discuss the presentation of the finished product with the client even before you start on your design project. Your design could be eye-catching, but it would have little impact if the product was to be placed within another container! While this may seem out of context for you as a label designer, it is the mark of a professional to come forth with ideas for the final presentation. This spells out that you are willing to do more than your responsibilities, and every client loves working with a designer like that! Discuss final presentation issues such as possible cardboard containers for the product, cellophane covers for the product and the quality of that plastic, and any such detail you feel may have an impact on the success of your design.
3. Make it as Professional as you Can!
You need to ensure that your design pattern services are as professional as possible. This includes the design aspects as well as the interpersonal experience your client has with you. Many truly talented designers have not made the impact on their careers that they should have. Remember, if you are a free-lancer, your business skills are as important as your artistic abilities, if not more. DO follow up with clients for feedback when the project has been delivered, and do send them feedback as well. Such little gestures of professionalism go a long way in ensuring a lasting professional relationship with your clients.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Packmage CAD:simplify your packaging design

Packmage CAD is a folding carton/cardboard box design software. It has a rich box templates library. Users only need to input certain parameters to generate the box structural design draft and 3D box view(blank sample) they need, the package designer also can import the graphic design of the box to turn it into 3D color sample, at last Packmage CAD step-and-repeat module will help to step-and-repeat the box.
Packmage CAD has a box-type storage, you can use it to complete the design only need to go through the following steps:
Step1: from the box-type library to choose a box type.
Step2 :enter the box number of parameters, such as length, width, Advanced -> box expansion plan.
Step3 :export chart files, file formats, including DXF, PDF, JPG, and so on.
Step4 :import graphic design files, to generate high resolution 3D renderings at any angle of rotation.
Step5 :intelligent impositio

Please visit our website to learn more and download the free version.