Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ways Essential your Packaging Design

1. Make the Package Wrapping Design Look Alive!
This may sound a little obvious, you may say. But TRY and make the design look as alive as you possibly can. The design needs to pop out of the print – imagine the finished product sitting on a shopping mall aisle – does it cray out to be looked at and picked up? Use vibrant colors that blend well with each other in harmony. Use images to give it a familiar feel, and to tell the audience something about what the box or bottle contains – you may have to work with a photographer for this, unless the client has already crossed that bridge and given you some images to use. Remember to use images with a higher vertical aspect ratio, if your product package design has a vertical orientation. On the other hand, use landscape format images if the design has more of a horizontal aspect ratio.
2. Presentation is Crucial!
Package design is a visually oriented project, so make it as visually appealing as you can. Where visual art is concerned, a good presentation is literally half the battle won. Discuss the presentation of the finished product with the client even before you start on your design project. Your design could be eye-catching, but it would have little impact if the product was to be placed within another container! While this may seem out of context for you as a label designer, it is the mark of a professional to come forth with ideas for the final presentation. This spells out that you are willing to do more than your responsibilities, and every client loves working with a designer like that! Discuss final presentation issues such as possible cardboard containers for the product, cellophane covers for the product and the quality of that plastic, and any such detail you feel may have an impact on the success of your design.
3. Make it as Professional as you Can!
You need to ensure that your design pattern services are as professional as possible. This includes the design aspects as well as the interpersonal experience your client has with you. Many truly talented designers have not made the impact on their careers that they should have. Remember, if you are a free-lancer, your business skills are as important as your artistic abilities, if not more. DO follow up with clients for feedback when the project has been delivered, and do send them feedback as well. Such little gestures of professionalism go a long way in ensuring a lasting professional relationship with your clients.

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